Where to find appliance model number

Stickers or rating plates is a special data plate, that has information about the model, serial number, power, dimensions of the device and other specifications. For example, blenders and mixers' data plates can be located in three places: on the bottom, on the rear of the gearbox, or at the junction of the reducer and housing.

Data plates in fridge-freezers

  1. On inner walls
  2. On an internal side of the door
  3. On a side or rear panel 
  4. In a freezer

Manufacturer Stickers in Cooker&Oven

  1. On a front panel or near hinges
  2. Inside a drawer 
  3. On a side or rear wall

Manufacturer Stickers on Hobs

  1. On one of the sides
  2. On the underside, this can usually be found when dismantling

Dishwasher Rating Plates

  1. On the door backside
  2. On the base of a dishwasher (kick strip)
  3. On the front panel at the bottom, it can be found when the door opened
  4. On a side or rear walls

Microwave Stickers

  1. On the door inner side
  2. On the front of the housing
  3. On the back of the housing

Washing Machines and Tumble Dryers Data Plates

  1. Behind the kickplate
  2. On a door frame or near hinges
  3. Behind pump valve
  4. On the rear or sidewalls

Cooker Hoods Information Stickers

  1. On the upper of cooker hood
  2. On the lower part
  3. On the rear side

Water Heater Data Plates

  1. On the upper of housing
  2. Near control panel
  3. On the bottom of the housing

Air Conditioner Stickers

  1. On the side of an indoor unit
  2. On the bottom of an indoor unit
  3. On the side of an outdoor unit

Vacuum Cleaner Data Plates

  1. On the base of the housing
  2. Near output hole
  3. Near filter cover

Coffee Machine and Coffee Maker Stickers

  1. On the bottom part

Bread Maker Data Plates

  1. On the backside
  2. On the side walls
  3. On the bottom

Iron Stickers

  1. On the base of the appliance

Other Markings on the Appliances

Device power consumptionAt production chlorine not usedProduct does not contain FreonProducts partially or entirely made of recyclable materials
Recyclable plasticProducts can not be disposed of in a normal waste containerYou can throw the products in the trash canThe production of products meets the requirements for environmental protection
The products comply with the environmental requirements of the European UnionFull environmental safetyManufacturers undertake to fulfill environmental requirements to their customersThe manufacturer guarantees the reception and processing of secondary packaging

Often looking for parts with article numbers INFI-WOK and spare parts for the model ZGG62417XA