Electrolux 982140067890281 Oven Electronic Board
Product code: 42272
Stock No: 982140067890281
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- Description
Electrolux 982140067890281 Oven Electronic Board.
It is genuine Electrolux board.
- Specifications ManufacturerElectroluxBrand compatibility
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- AEG BCK642020M94418770802
- AEG BEE641221M94971705201
- AEG BEE641222M94949700503
- AEG BPE642020M94418770602
- AEG BPE642020M94418792402
- AEG BPE642120M94418792002
- AEG BPE642120M94418800202
- AEG BPK642020M94418770902
- AEG BPK642020M94418793403
- AEG BPK642020M94418795502
- AEG BPK642120M94418792202
- AEG BPK642320M94418824100
- AEG BSE682020M94418770403
- AEG BSK682020M94418795003
- AEG DCE731110M94417164400
- AEG DCK731110M94417164500
- AEG DCK731110M94417168300
- AEG DUE731110M94417164300
- AEG DUK731110M94417163600
- AEG GB6020P94418786302
- Electrolux COB7S01X94403204400
- Electrolux COE7P31B94949844103
- Electrolux COE7P31V94949844703
- Electrolux COE7P31X94418484102
- Electrolux COE7P31X294949843303
- Electrolux EOB7S01X94418489403
- Electrolux EOB7S31V94418489103
- Electrolux EOB7S31X94418484003
- Electrolux EOB7S31Z94418489003
- Electrolux EOE7C31V94949730403
- Electrolux EOE7C31X94949730304
- Electrolux EOE7C31Z94949730604
- Electrolux EOE7P11X94949842903
- Electrolux EOE7P11X094949842203
- Electrolux EOE7P31X94949842403
- Electrolux EOE7P31Z94418489302
- Electrolux EOF7P00LX94949570701
- Electrolux EOF7P00RX94949570801
- Electrolux EOF7P00X094949808602
- Electrolux EOF7P00Z94949808302
- Electrolux EOK6727X94418494901
- Electrolux EOP6727X94418495001
- Electrolux EOP7727X94418495101
- Electrolux KOBCS31X94418489203
- Electrolux KOECC31X94418483901
- Electrolux KOECP11X94949843103
- Electrolux KOFCH30X94949701501
- Electrolux KOFCP00LX94949570500
- Electrolux KOFCP00RX94949570600
- Electrolux KOFCP20X94949807400
- Electrolux LOB7S01X94403204300
- Electrolux LOE7C31S94949730903
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